KWAN BOW | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle



Tuesday 16 June 2015

5 Beauty Tips I Would Tell My Younger Self | Make-up Mistakes

You know the saying - practise makes perfect! We all have to learn from somewhere and whether you are a professional makeup artist that has invested and studied for years in the industry, self-taught makeup artist or simply someone who loves and enjoys using makeup. I respect the industry and a lot of the brilliant make-up artists out there, and by all means I am definitely not a professional but I have certainly tried and tested different techniques and products over the 12 years I've been wearing make-up. Of course, not everything works for everyone due to different skin types, tones and textures, and face shapes, too. It has only been in the last 5 years that I have truly started to appreciate and understand the functionality of beauty products and their uses. I'm still on the hunt to find my 'holy grail' products for certain parts of my beauty routine, but for now, I'm enjoying the experimentation process. Below you'll find some of the tips I would have told myself back in the day, I did some awful beauty faux pas and one incredibly dangerous one!

Concealer Lips
This was so, so wrong now that I think about it but it was so right for me at the time. I rocked the concealer lips (AKA foundation lips) during my teenage years at school but I soon grew out of this crazy phase before I started university and when I discovered you could get Nude lipsticks. I know this was a trend back in the day, and I wasn't the only guilty culprit but I don't think I had the worst concealer lips...or maybe I did? Either way, thank goodness for MAC Honey-love and MAC Myth for blessing me with that natural nude lip.
Panda Eyes 
Black eyeliner was all I knew in my teenage years. And mascara. I always had one eyeshadow by Rimmel and used that everyday. But boy would I pile on that black goodness all around my eyes creating that 'smokey eye effect'. I didn't go too overboard, I would just always make sure my waterline was filled with black eyeliner. But of course, that made my eyes even smaller and I already have small asian eyes, so this didn't help. These days, I hardly ever touch my waterline with eyeliner and instead fill in my lashes with dark eyeshadow to create a softer look. When I look back at old photos, I realise how small they looked.
Bronzer Face
Contouring is obviously a huge thing now but as I grew up, it wasn't really heard of or certainly not as well-known as it is now. My beauty goals was always to look dark and tanned at all times so bronzer was my 2nd most favourite product in my beauty routine. I would just sweep that sh*t on until I looked slightly sun kissed. This obviously made me look a little TOO orange, and when I look back, a little chub in the face as I had no shape to my face at all.
Gel Pen Eyeliner! (yes really...)
So yeah. Basically I had this one really cool gel pen (remember how popular they were...they were like golden wands in the classroom), and it was blue, thick and sparkly. One night I thought it would be cool to use it around the rim of my eye (near my waterline) and as a 'eye shadow'. Obviously I didn't know how dangerous this was when I did it but I look back now and think how stupid and potentially dangerous it was. Thankfully I have access to nice eyeliners currently on the market, so not to worry - I will not be doing this mistake again!
Less is Definitely More
To be honest, I think my face can handle a lot of makeup. You know, the type of makeup where normal people think "how much makeup has she got piled on?!" - I actually wear a lot more makeup products on my face now than I did in the past but it's all pretty relative. I use moisturiser, primer and setting powders - I certainly didn't use any of this when I first started experimenting with makeup. But I've learnt about consistency within my beauty products. Like I said, I used to lather that bronzer on and glue on the fluffiest false lashes, which makes me cringe now that I think about it. 
I love make-up and everything about it. Yes, I'm the girl that gets excited about new collections and eagerly awaits for their launch. Make-up is art and even though I am not a professional make-up artist, I will always love the industry, the limitations that the art of make-up doesn't have and everything make-up has to offer.

Have you had any major beauty blunders you've learnt from the past? You may have experienced some that I have mentioned - I'm sure we've all been there at some point but the beauty of makeup is practising and playing around with what works best for you.

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