KWAN BOW | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle



Wednesday 1 March 2017

Kylie Cosmetics: The Burgundy Kyshadow Palette Review

As much as I hate to admit it, I feel like I'm slowly feeding into the Kylie Jenner empire and funding her plastic fantastic life. Slowly but surely I'm starting to really enjoy using her makeup products and I do get quite excited when I see her snippets of products that she's working on on her snapchat. The eyeshadow palettes (KyShadow) were a pleasant surprise on how pigmented and blendable they were. I put off buying the KyShadow palettes for a while because they just looked like typical nude palettes that I already had in my collection, but when she brought out the Holiday KyShadow palette, I really fancied the colours and that they were unlike anything I had in my collection. It was love at first sight.

Before I knew it, I made 2 orders to in the space of 4 days. The first order was for 2 of the Limited Edition KoKo Kollection Liquid Lip Kit and because I was curious, I added the two KyShadow palettes. The second order was the first day she launched her Holiday collection which I managed to get the Holiday KyShadow palette and the Liquid and Gloss Lip Kit. I wanted to get the minis as well but they sold out so quick, but it was probably best I didn't as well since I had already spent $250 and I knew had customs to pay too. On the arrival of both packages, they were both held up in customs and they both cost me a total of £60 before they were released to me. Customs is a bitch, but what's a girl to do when that's the only way to get makeup products into the country?!

Since receiving hem, I have had some time to play around with all three but the one that I have been reaching out to the most is the KyShadow Burgundy Palette. The colours are typically your reds, oranges and warm browns and golds. It has the perfect balance of both shimmery and matte textures and they really do blend beautifully. Recently, I have been into reds and oranges as a transition shade on my eyes so this KyShadow palette had everything I needed to make a bold or natural look. The eyeshadow does blend really smoothly, but the one thing I have noticed is that a lot of product seems to go to waste because every time I dip my brush into the eyeshadow, a lot of the eyeshadow powers breaks away and is left sitting in or around the pan. So I would recommend using a very light hand when dipping your brushes to avoid breaking away excess eyeshadow powder.
The burgundy palette is beautiful, and I'm happy to have it in my collection because I feel like you can create a lot of different looks with it. The main shades that I have been using have been: Bleach, Penny, LA & Brick.
For $42, I feel like this is one of the better eyeshadow palettes I have had in my collection and something different. The quality doesn't feel cheap and overall, I really don't mind the packaging - it's flat, sleek and travel-friendly. I do wish it had a mirror for convenience purposes but the Holiday KyShadow palette does so I'm guessing Kylie Jenner is now launching future KyShadow palettes with mirrors.

Check out my mini review on the Holiday KyShadow Palette.
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