KWAN BOW | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle



Sunday 2 August 2015

My Trip to Geneva, Switzerland | Lifestyle

I went to Geneva over a month ago and I have finally got round to posting my photos on the blog. I was there for 3 days with my best friend and Geneva is such a pretty place with super friendly people. I was just glad to also get a tan (albeit a strappy dress and sandal tan) but still, I got a nice tan on my upper half which I was very happy about. It was nice to have a small break, and a wander in a different city, soaking up a different culture...I'm hoping to have more smaller city breaks in the coming months. Enjoy my round of photos. Until next time, Geneva.

The duck with the Mohawk :)

This is just a small glimpse of Geneva, Switzerland. If you're a fan of designer products and watches, this is the place you need to be. 
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

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