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Tuesday 2 August 2016

My Summer Skincare Secrets

Skincare is something that should be a priority in everyone's lifestyle. With so many different types of skin - dry, oily, and sensitive - it can take some time for people to use the correct products for their skin. My facial skincare is completely different to my body skincare - they are very much opposites of each other.

While my facial skin type is quite oily and dry depending on the time of year, the rest of my body is just dry and I moisturise as much as I can to keep everything looking and feeling smooth. I can be quite lazy when it comes to (or remembering) to moisturise but I find that there are a few products / methods that I can always guarantee to make my skin looking its best.

My first and foremost important step is exfoliation. You may not see dead skin cells but they are certainly there. With every shower, I always make sure that I use a good loofah, lather up a lot of soap and scrub away any dead skin. I then go in with my razor (Wilkinson Sword Quattro is my weapon of choice) and start shaving away any excess hair. I find using the soap suds from my loofah help my razor glide smoothly in the right places. If you like more bang for your buck though, I have read that the Dollar Shave Club razors are pretty good and organised in making sure you always have a razor in hand. It's a pretty easy and awesome concept knowing that you'll never run out of razors, you can read more about them here.

When I'm in the shower, I normally have a routine of putting a face mask on and usually it's an exfoliation cream that I keep on my face for the duration of being in the shower. I exfoliate my face twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells, and I use sheet masks or mud masks 1-2 times a week.

After shaving, I typically like to do a double wash and go over my body once more with a soapy loofah to make sure I am extra exfoliated and smooth. I then go ahead and use my favourite in-shower moisturiser - the Nivea In Shower Body Moisturiser (whoever thought of this was genius, well done Nivea!). Since I tend to forget to moisturise after bathing, this product is a god send to use before I get out of the shower. I lather my whole body in this product and leave it on for a couple of minutes to really let it soak into my skin.

Whilst I wait for that to sink into my skin, I rub the exfoliating cream in my face and give it a good massage all around my face and neck. I then wash off all product from head to toe, leaving a clean, fresh, smooth face and body.

If I am preparing my body for a special occasion, like I have recently for a wedding, I start exfoliating my whole body thoroughly 2 days before so I can start applying my false tan. Luckily, I am not a very hairy person - particular with my legs - so I can start shaving my legs 2 days before in preparation for a special occasion. With the extra exfoliation, I know that my false tan won't go on patchy.

These are just some of my skincare secrets, and how I prepare my skin on a daily basis and for special occasions. What is your skincare regimen like?

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